Experience the Power of Harmony and Human Connection
A vocal jam session that brings together 100-200 people from different backgrounds to celebrate our common humanity through music.
April 4, 2025
Denver (location TBD)
Help us produce our very first Harmony Jam Session!

How Does It Work?
1. 100-200 people, one music facilitator, one shared space.
2. Learn a popular song with different parts. No prior preparation is needed and everyone is welcome!
3. Experience an amazing blend of harmonies and feel the power of jamming with others.
4. You’ll be amazed at what we create together in just one evening!
5. Go home feeling hopeful and connected.
Why Harmony Jam Sessions?
The world needs creativity, collaboration, and boldness to meet today’s global challenges. Yet we can’t even stand just being in the same room as others who think differently. We believe that the foundational starting point is to create more harmony in this polarized world and realize that we have way more in common than what separates us.